Alfresco Wedding Menu
A fantastic informal alfresco wedding catering option. A great way to enjoy your hog roast with additional Antipasti Platters and choice of desserts.
Introduction To Wedding Catering
A Great Introduction to Wedding Catering. Our entry level menu fantastic food and service at a very reasonable cost.
Wedding Catering With Canapes, Drinks Service and Dessert
Canapés and Drinks Service, Hog Roast Buffet and Dessert. Let us meet and greet your guests whilst you relax and have your photos taken. Includes Chefs, Catering Assistants, Front of House Person & Waitresses.
Formal Wedding Catering
More Traditional formal wedding catering. Drinks reception, canapés, plated starter, main course, plated dessert, tea and coffee.
Wedding Catering with Evening Buffet
Wedding menu 2 with evening buffet. Let us take care of your evening buffet as well. Leaving you free to dance the night away.
Formal Wedding Catering with Evening Buffet
Wedding menu 4 with evening buffet. Drinks reception, canapés, plated starter, main course, plated dessert, tea and coffee. Including a choice of evening buffet options.